OSC Aenon Alumni Auxiliary
"And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure." (Isaiah 33:6)
Welcome and thank you for visiting our website! The OSC Aenon Alumni Auxiliary is here to serve all OSC alums of the Aenon Bible College. Here you find pertinent and important information, news, updates and our member registration form; also, members are able to pay their dues online.
Welcome and thank you for visiting our website! The OSC Aenon Alumni Auxiliary is here to serve all OSC alums of the Aenon Bible College. Here you find pertinent and important information, news, updates and our member registration form; also, members are able to pay their dues online.
OSC Aenon Alumni Auxiliary - Officers & Staff
Dr. Jacqueline T. Miller, JD, MBA, BA, President
District Elder Calvin Mitchell, Director
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District Elder Calvin Mitchell, Director
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